All Canadian Passport Holder (under QP) must be going also to the Canadian community school, which is located in west bay area, since gasoline is cheap, around $0.27 per Liter, there are several option of villa within 6 or 7 km from the school, markhiya plaza with 4 rooms, is QAR 10,000 a month is one example, if You prefer the west bay area, then the rent will be more than 16,000 a month. there are plenty of option for QAR 14,500 - QAR 16,000 for four room-apartment, but definitely is not recommended, since there is no single playground for the kids (basketball field, tennis, bicycle track, jogging track, place for chasing or running around) , and no parking area for guest, entering canadian school is easy, one-two day process after the simple test for the kid (since QP is prominent company in Qatar, the letter from QP to the school is having good bargaining power, enough to enter the school), part of the school tuition will be bare by QP, the balance is bare by You.