Prism - please re-read what I wrote, right from the beginning. I acknowledge that I don't know here core skill. Saying she works in junior management in airports, means absolutely nothing, what is her core skill, how many years experience does she have, what companies has she worked for,what is her current salary vs expectations - there is more to recruitment and guessing someone's market worth than say guessing!!!
WHAT rarely changes here - and Prism, Flor, take note, because this is MY core skill and work experience are the benefits. 90% of all oganisations that I used to recruit for said these were absolutely non negotiable. (but salaries to a certain extent were) AND given that she has told us the core benefits and in my experience (4 years in the Gulf region - 10+ years in recruitment overall) is not market rate for most organisations.
What I will not do is give indepth salary (not benefits, there is a difference) guessing games in a public forum when I would need to see someone's CV in depth before giving some professional opinion on the matter, except to say it seems low.
AND,her husband may come and he may work but the authorities do not like what they call double dipping (each person gets full benefits) and would make one come under the others sponsorship to stop it - happens all the time - therefore I assume that the benefits she is getting is ALL the family will receive, otherwise, why mention it?
Prism - please re-read what I wrote, right from the beginning. I acknowledge that I don't know here core skill. Saying she works in junior management in airports, means absolutely nothing, what is her core skill, how many years experience does she have, what companies has she worked for,what is her current salary vs expectations - there is more to recruitment and guessing someone's market worth than say guessing!!!
WHAT rarely changes here - and Prism, Flor, take note, because this is MY core skill and work experience are the benefits. 90% of all oganisations that I used to recruit for said these were absolutely non negotiable. (but salaries to a certain extent were) AND given that she has told us the core benefits and in my experience (4 years in the Gulf region - 10+ years in recruitment overall) is not market rate for most organisations.
What I will not do is give indepth salary (not benefits, there is a difference) guessing games in a public forum when I would need to see someone's CV in depth before giving some professional opinion on the matter, except to say it seems low.
AND,her husband may come and he may work but the authorities do not like what they call double dipping (each person gets full benefits) and would make one come under the others sponsorship to stop it - happens all the time - therefore I assume that the benefits she is getting is ALL the family will receive, otherwise, why mention it?