Flor, no what I would recommend is that she goes to a reputable employment agency which specialises in her skill set - be it sales, marketing, finance etc and find out what the market rate is for her skill set. I won't get into salary, as this seems very low but not knowing fully what she does, it is hard to give am informed opinion - suffice to say that knowing the cost of living here and if she expects some her home comforts from Italy - these things are expensive, the she may fint it on the low side.
What I do know for a fact are the normal benefits for overseas personnel on married status with a family. In most organisations these are set and non negotiable (whereas salary is usually negotiable),they really are about half of what they should be and she will then have to pay a lot for schooling, transport etc, therefore I would advise her to seek a better package or look elsewhere, otherwise she will be on the breadline.
Flor, no what I would recommend is that she goes to a reputable employment agency which specialises in her skill set - be it sales, marketing, finance etc and find out what the market rate is for her skill set. I won't get into salary, as this seems very low but not knowing fully what she does, it is hard to give am informed opinion - suffice to say that knowing the cost of living here and if she expects some her home comforts from Italy - these things are expensive, the she may fint it on the low side.
What I do know for a fact are the normal benefits for overseas personnel on married status with a family. In most organisations these are set and non negotiable (whereas salary is usually negotiable),they really are about half of what they should be and she will then have to pay a lot for schooling, transport etc, therefore I would advise her to seek a better package or look elsewhere, otherwise she will be on the breadline.