English only in the main forum. Now if you can not undretsand that, then we have nothing to talk to. I Am not a coward, you can show up anytime, I am open here and I am an open member of a group. MAny knows me in real life, so don't lecture me about the "Venezuelan thing". I did not warn you, I reminded not ONLY you but all who posted in that thread. WAs that only for you? It's all for those who ignore the GUIDELINES!

Actually, there is no harm in posting in other language, but you have to put the translation as a courtesy (if you even know the word) to other readers (and as part of abiding with the guidelines). But you opted to start another thread (basically pointed to me), a full thread and when I ignored it, you post your frustration here. Now tell me, who is frustrated between us?

Precisely I ignored it because I don't want anymore to do with you but you keep on following me, why?