QL has been going through a very bad patch. There have been too many users who have opinions that they wish to share, but are incapable of debating or seeing other peoples perspectives. Abuse becomes their ultimate defence mechanism quickly followed by being Oooooopsed. Then they spam the site and cause as much disruption as they can. Then return with new ID's and off we go again.

In the short time (compared to the real old time QLers) I have been a member, I have seen so many quality posters drift off. Some have left Qatar, some have had circumstances change so they are just no longer active. But they have gone, and there are so few quality posters taking their place. The ratio of true QLers (people who actually want to use QL properly) and idiots has become disproportionation.
I hang around in QL hoping that things will get better. Every now and then there is a glimmer of hope when an interesting thread breaks the surface. But most of the time I just can't find anything worth discussing.

Things are starting to look up. The site does seem to be settling down a bit, and I hope that QL can start to build a quality user base again while the quiet lasts.