sir_qofh - That is exactly my point that you make in your post.

Because you believe in the unassailable truth of Science (even if based on theories that we may or may not later find to be precisely how we first perceived them to be) and Capitalism (even if consumption-driven economies wreck havoc with the environment leading to climate change with devastating consequences for all), you think (and I quote from your post above) that Muslims are an unreasoned mass of humans who have been kept in the dark and have been prevented from advancing their minds through fear tactics.

Well that is exactly the problem of self superiority that the West in general, and Americans in particular suffer. And this is at the root of the conflict facing us today. In order to preserve and advance their social, economic and so called scientific way of life, the West extends its military machines and presence to every nook corner of every continent. Having nuked out two bustling cities in japan they go out and lecture everyone else on non proliferation and impose sanctions on that basis.