even here, if you talk in TAgalog (say inside the meeting room), they will sanctioned you and yet when they converse in Arabic, you can't do anything. We just need to realize that Filipinos are just very respectful and we know how to respect who is in authority.

The only exception is when I am the one in authority (meaning I am the highest authority in a certain meeting), and I can sanction anyone who don't speak in a language all the attendees understand (which is English, of course) and the others can not sanctioned me if ever (if) I talk in TAgalog as I am the authority at that particular time.

BAck to the topic, maybe the Filipino parents have gone overboard to ask for the principal's head. If she bans the TAgalog inside the classroom, then it's fine (for me) since she is the authority. But of course out of courtesy, she should also prohibits speaking in Spanish in front of non-Spanish speaking people!