It is funny on a few levels, but a nice gesture to say the least.

When you donat used clothes one might thing that it would be strange as usually we wear our super comfortable clothes until they get holes in them. Your friend might think that you are donating tattered old pieces such that no one would really want them. You should be donating new clothes. It would be like the "food bank" in my country where you dont food items after the check-out in the store. It is often filled with things that are really not that interesting. It is funny because sometimes there are things that are not that tasty, or non-staple food. For example a sale item has a reduced price in the store as is not very popular, then the food drive is filled with it. It is not funny that people are donating food, it is funny that some people don't really think about what they are donating. Or back to the used clothes idea, you buy a new product, you taste it, don;t like it, and then donate it to the "food bank"

Secondly it is funny as you might think that used clothing is somehow being delivered to families in other countries for free. But what normally happens is it bundled, sold per weight, and then sold to local business people in other countries. When you think donating that new shirt your grandma gave you, that you never wear, is a great act of charity, you really are just playing into the commercial market of whatever country it is going to. The charity sells the clothes to local buyers (covering shipping costs, or making profit. A local buyer buys a big bundle of clothes, sorts through the good and bad... The best stuff goes to their best buyers, and the worst stuff might go to a market or sold on the street. It drives the local economy in providing jobs and business. You are not really giving away clothes... You are creating jobs... LOL!

Is it funny? Not really, but it is interesting that is is much different than we imagine. The people living in poverty are still in poverty, but some have managed to form a manageable life by selling the clothes. I sometimes think people are getting rich on the venture, but I have no evidence to that.