s_isale, please tell me what info you are referring to and I will endeavour to get the link you need.
On that point, how do you know about the Heathrow flight - cannot comment personally as have not been on that route that many times but I can tell you about the Manchester route - always chock a block and when I checked in the other day the check in staff said it was rare they ever had spare seats on their twice a day run - one at 9.30am and the other at 2pm - so it would rather beg the question why another carrier is not allowed to do a direct run to Doha. And in addition, Etihad at last Eid were running a promotion from Manchester to ME and Doha and one can only assume they know there is an uptapped market there BUT of course the powers that be would never allow another airline to fly direct to Qatar on a popular route...
s_isale, please tell me what info you are referring to and I will endeavour to get the link you need.
On that point, how do you know about the Heathrow flight - cannot comment personally as have not been on that route that many times but I can tell you about the Manchester route - always chock a block and when I checked in the other day the check in staff said it was rare they ever had spare seats on their twice a day run - one at 9.30am and the other at 2pm - so it would rather beg the question why another carrier is not allowed to do a direct run to Doha. And in addition, Etihad at last Eid were running a promotion from Manchester to ME and Doha and one can only assume they know there is an uptapped market there BUT of course the powers that be would never allow another airline to fly direct to Qatar on a popular route...