Good point Brit.

They confiscated an average of 10,000kg of meat PER WEEK?

I wonder if that has anything to do with this story:

DOHA: The delay in developing new central markets in designated areas outside Doha has angered the Central Municipal Council (CMC) which now wants the project to be taken away from Mawashi (Meat and Livestock Company).


He noted that the entire country was relying on the central market in Doha, although it does not have the facilities to meet the requirements of even the Doha community. Besides the space constraints, lack of proper government monitoring is making the situation even worse.

“If Mawashi can not implement the project, some other company should be assigned to do that,” said Hassan Abdullah Abdul Raheem, another CMC member, representing Al Wakra.

Even the CMC know that the current markets provided for fruit, vegetables, meat and fish are totally inappropriate to a modern new city. They are an embarrassment to Doha and the CMC is right to be pushing the issue.

It's been more than 10 years since proposals were first put forward to improve the market, but still... nothing.

Should we just keep burying our heads in the sand with the typical 'everything's fine in Doha' mentality when it means that this much food is being wasted?