flor1212.....get back in your box....or learn to listen/ask the right questions. On this posting, obviously drover touched a nerve......and you showed your true colours amazingly well!! Take a second to think about it before replying....
And I too have have had experience with Newton. They used my child as a teachers aid because she is bright and finished her work early. Could they do their job and TEACH her at her level??.....No.
I have NEVER hear a single good thing from anyone about NIS unless you put the paradigm of cost around it. Just WALK through ASD, and you will see! But do you want to spend that money. And most parents I know, are willing to not have that extra long holiday so their child can have that extra secure foundation to his/her life.Their inetrnational testings/university entrants prove they are good.
Mike, Its 80,000 a year for my kids
Gerry Donut, a point you are missing...is what is your nationality as that plays a big part in your wages. If you can don't accept your first offer, as other have said, without saying it, it the "extras" that you can negotiate on. A friend got a contract, and she sent an email back explaining essentially she was not happy (through home visit housing car etc) got double. This is an extreme case, but thats where you can start to talk from.