How about your English DD? Look at your spelling - salarys (salaries), there (their), evenn(even). How about this? - "but what has that got to do with this." I have read a lot of threads where I read your comments and I noticed your poor English grammar and spelling. OMG DD! Are you not ashame even to your self? If you want others to be good, make yourself better first!

I understand that most of the English schools required "only native English." I don't have any objection with this. If I am the parent of the student, I prefer to send my child in a school where he/ she could learn the proper English accent and grammar.

Somebody in this thread mentioned about the assistant teachers who pronounced "finished" as "pinished." Well, she is right. There are some Filipina/no that pronounced f as p. I myself is laughing about it. However, there are lots of Filipino who are also good in English (verbal/written) as it is our second language and there are plenty of good schools, especially the private ones in Philippines which are teaching correct English.