We cannot generalize by stating that the police will support them no matter what. I can cite an example in this regards. About a year and half ago, I was dropping my friend home. We were on the corniche road approaching the Emiri Diwan roundabout and on the middle track as I wanted to go straight. A land cruiser came speeding in the fast lane and while attempting to cut into the roundabout scraped the front left side of my car. I was pissed beyond limit and began to chase them, constantly honking at them to stop. What they did next totally caught me by surprise. They applied the brakes suddenly in the middle of the road so that I hit their car from behind. Probably they wanted to turn the case against me. Luckily, my mind was on high alert due to the sudden build up of adrenaline and I was able to avoid hitting him. That obviously ticked them off and they began to speed like crazy. Meanwhile, during this action sequence, my friend called the traffic police helpline and reported the case ( we had their car number). At the next roundabout I noticed a trafic police standing and controlling traffic. I pulled the car over in the side parking, walked over to him and explained what happened to me. He asked if I have reported it already and I said that my friend is reporting it right now. He then advised us to go the Madinat Khalifa traffic department and report this again and also state the call to the helpline. We did exaclty as were advised. At the traffic department, the policeman was patient and friendly and after taking down all details, he asked us to come back the next evening.
Next evening when I went to the traffic department, the traffic cop gave me the accident report with insurance coverage from the Land cruiser guys. Since I got what I wanted, I left the place.
I do not know what action was taken against them but I needed an accident report (which is what we require in every accident case) which stated that its not my fault and took care of insurance. And I got that without any problem.
My point is that we cannot generalize about the traffic police in all cases. Yes, sometimes yes might have to do what they are being told by someone of higher authority or power...then again....thats happens in every country, does it not?...especially when its concerns the citizens of the country.