Paul, if you want to take it on, it's your choice.
Anyhow, this poor lady is coming from another country. Where she had certain things. She would like to have them here too...wouldn't we all? Nothing unusual there, IMHO. She has not complained, just asked. And what happens...people make sweeping statements..very, very poor,IMHO.

And yes, the finishes in the houses in this country are exceptionally poor. I have lived in quite a few compounds here, and can confirm this 100%.

Her posts were not about "the biggest, the best, keeping up with the Jonese's". She stated what she was able to afford, and what she has seen in return.
And we all know that the houses here are certainly not worth what they are charged for.

RikiTiki, welcome to the Sandpit...and grow a very thick skin...for oh so many being the "nice" people here.