"La ikrah-ad'deen" there is no compulsion in Deen or Belief.
those who think that Veil is un-necessary and veil is a symbol of woman supression, then they are the blinds though they have vision.
Veil is certainly a security reason but not the security you think of. It is the security for the woman itself.
You see two woman with different costumes one in a bikini and another in full veil then certainly all eyes would be on the bikini woman not on the veiled one. This is the security for the chastity for woman.
WEst want the woman to be comodity and only a commodity "use and throw and go for another" hence they have a lot of objections regarding this principle of Islam which gaurantees security for the woman.
LAstly don't call this as RANTING if you cannot tolerate these words then back off or if you want to know more just read translatoin of Quran Cahpter #3 you will know how the woman have rights and have the equal treatment.