I really do...I know how non Muslims and even many Muslims feel about this subject. It is undoubtedly one that draws much curiosity and criticism. Take for example my mom in law. She come's from a non Muslim,non religious family where men and women cheat on their spouses often and openly. Yet the thought of her only son, my husband, taking a second wife is horrifying to her! She can put up with her children having random affairs more than they taking another lawful wife. People just view things very differently.
And you should meet some of my convert western friends..they are a lovely bunch to Muslims and non Muslims, westerners and non westerners,alike. But yes I agree many of them are happy to have "migrated" though that's mainly due to the discrimination and racism they say they faced as either "non whites" or "hijabis/niqabis" etc. At the same time many of them are very proud of their Western descent and will not want to change that for anything else. So yeah it just takes all kinds I guess =))