BE - I agree, however, you can put very simple safe guards in place - cannot take ML twice within 2 years, must work for a company for 1 year before taking ML. This should ensure it is not abused.
AND there is such thing as a happy medium and basically 35 calendar days after birth is simply not enough.After my C section I was told not to drive for a least 6 and not to get pregnant again for at least a year because the body has not fully recovered until this stage - that is the impact it has so to expect someone to return to work in a matter of weeks is barbaric to say the least
BE - I agree, however, you can put very simple safe guards in place - cannot take ML twice within 2 years, must work for a company for 1 year before taking ML. This should ensure it is not abused.
AND there is such thing as a happy medium and basically 35 calendar days after birth is simply not enough.After my C section I was told not to drive for a least 6 and not to get pregnant again for at least a year because the body has not fully recovered until this stage - that is the impact it has so to expect someone to return to work in a matter of weeks is barbaric to say the least