Just want to say your knowledge of Islam amazes me.. you have actually made a great effort in knowing your stuff and you don't argue in vain without facts...keep it up! And it is true we do believe in all the holy books of each Prophets' but we follow only the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet as that was the religion chosen by God for us, the followers of Muhammad,our final Prophet.
As Muslims its not for us to tell disbelievers of Islam what they can eat and what they can't.. as long as they remain non Muslims, things that are impermissible for us are not forbidden for them.Besides if it is about halaal and haraam then our advice should be for our fellow Muslims who indulge in many haraam acts daily but yet think they are somehow excused.Pork has only now arrived in Qatar and most likely will be consumed by non Muslims yet alcohol has been available for ages and is fearlessly consumed by Muslims too specially those who should know better(ie the ones who are blessed with being fluent in Arabic) So how can we Muslims act all upset and offended now?
Just want to say your knowledge of Islam amazes me.. you have actually made a great effort in knowing your stuff and you don't argue in vain without facts...keep it up! And it is true we do believe in all the holy books of each Prophets' but we follow only the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet as that was the religion chosen by God for us, the followers of Muhammad,our final Prophet.
As Muslims its not for us to tell disbelievers of Islam what they can eat and what they can't.. as long as they remain non Muslims, things that are impermissible for us are not forbidden for them.Besides if it is about halaal and haraam then our advice should be for our fellow Muslims who indulge in many haraam acts daily but yet think they are somehow excused.Pork has only now arrived in Qatar and most likely will be consumed by non Muslims yet alcohol has been available for ages and is fearlessly consumed by Muslims too specially those who should know better(ie the ones who are blessed with being fluent in Arabic) So how can we Muslims act all upset and offended now?