Someone I know wen't through a terrible marriage because of her man's addiction to porn.Her marriage remained unconsummated until the end! I can't of course divulge all the details but rest assured doctors and psychiatrics too agreed that it was his addiction to porn that caused their problems. Up until then I myself never thought this was possible. I mean I grew up in a non religious family with so many cousins of all ages and pretty much accepted porn to be normal among teenagers. Of course when I started practicing Islam I learned of it all being forbidden and all that but still never really thought it could render anyone incapable of having a normal married life. But this incident shook me! After that we learned that actually there are many many young people out there suffering from this same problem or other issues due to porn addiction. So perhaps the young man in the story maybe one of them. As a Muslimah I will of course tell other Muslims to keep away from them for religious reasons itself but if even a non Muslim now tells me they fear their children are getting into porn I will warn them of this for as the old saying goes "too much of anything..."and when will you realize when its too much?