I am a little surprised by the attitude of some posters on this thread. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I would never wish to suppress or shout down a point of view contrary to my own. But non the less I can't help but be a little surprised. I have known friends who have been abused in their work place, and I know their dilemma. With no possibility of an NOC their options are stick with the job and become miserable or go home and struggle financial even more than they are here and thus be miserable. For many the go home will mean not being able to return for 2 years. They need the money so they hang in there, but become so depressed it reaches a stage where they can no longer hide it. Without knowing people who have been in this position, I may possibly take a stronger stance against the staff myself. But I feel for them, I feel their pain, and I understand their situation.
From this thread and its posts I have made my mind up how to handle a situation like this should I come across it in the future. If my service is substandard because of what appears to be a 'depressed' member of staff. I will address it myself directly with the member of staff concerned. I will ask her/him if there is something distracting them from their job, and ask that they try to set it aside for the moment as although I fully understand their feelings, I would rather leave the table immediately and relocate to an establishment where I will receive good service, than to remain seated and made miserable myself. Depending upon their response I will either stay or depart. I would only take the mater up the line if the staff concerned promise to make an effort and then don't. If I sense that I am going to endure a frustrating dining experience, then I would leave as soon as possible. Now that all sounds good in theory, and I hope that I never have to put it into practice, but in the event I do, I will post a fresh thread explaining if my plan of action was successful or a complete waste of time.
But just to get back to the 'P off if you don't like it' stance; Too many times I have felt like P-ing off back home, and I too have had to consider sticking it out here or calling it a day. But with my circumstances that is exceedingly infrequent and short lived. However because I have run the scenarios through my mind, I can speculate that they have the same considerations. But add to that the fact that they may have people depending on them for financial assistance back home, throwing in the towel will also mean letting others down and that is another reason they endure. If they could simply resign and go and work for another establishment to improve their situation I'm sure they would. Depression is a hard thing to overcome, and there will come a point where it just cant be hidden, but the show must go on, and so they do. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on this website, and mine is that I feel pity for staff in this position. And I would never take the stance of P-off if you can't take it, because I have no idea what the ramifications would be for them if they were forced to do so.
I rest my case your honor.