Edifis, where I come from, there were 2 large clans. One Sinti, one Roma. They were fighting each other constantly, kidnapping each others children, knifing each other etc. They had no jobs...although in my country there are plenty pf FREE programs to get educated and to find work...they did not WANT to do that. Funny thing though...they always had money...how and where from, who knows? One of my friends got involved with one of them...hence we, my circle of friends, got to know some of them and their habits and customs. Sadly, my friend was badly hurt by them. Scarred for life.
Anyhow...the area where they lived, even the police did not want to go there...of course there were plenty of occasions where they HAD to.
IF gypsies wanted to have a normal, honest life, they can...at least where I come from.