The whole discussion/argument derives from the contatations the word 'sacrifice' entails.
You may make a personal sacrifice - money, goods, time, food etc which in some way puts a burden on oneself for the benefit of others - for example, one can 'sacrifice' one's time and money to share food, in the form of mutton, to one's family, neighbours, the poor and hungary. This use of the word has beneign overtones.
However when you use the word in the contex of 'sacrificing' a goat/sheep(especially in the contex of a religious celebration) the word has a whole different meaning. It means to offer a blood 'sacrifice' to a diety. The goat is making the sacrifice not the devotee. This is where the word 'scapegoating'comes from; the ancient practice of offering the blood of an animal to appease the angry gods, which in turn harks back to the days of offering human sacrifices.
Maybe it would have been better for the OP not to have used the words 'Goat Sacrifice' in his title. As a native English speaker I can tell you that this term has a completly different meaning, in English, than the practice that is carried out over Eid by the muslims around the world.
The whole discussion/argument derives from the contatations the word 'sacrifice' entails.
You may make a personal sacrifice - money, goods, time, food etc which in some way puts a burden on oneself for the benefit of others - for example, one can 'sacrifice' one's time and money to share food, in the form of mutton, to one's family, neighbours, the poor and hungary. This use of the word has beneign overtones.
However when you use the word in the contex of 'sacrificing' a goat/sheep(especially in the contex of a religious celebration) the word has a whole different meaning. It means to offer a blood 'sacrifice' to a diety. The goat is making the sacrifice not the devotee. This is where the word 'scapegoating'comes from; the ancient practice of offering the blood of an animal to appease the angry gods, which in turn harks back to the days of offering human sacrifices.
Maybe it would have been better for the OP not to have used the words 'Goat Sacrifice' in his title. As a native English speaker I can tell you that this term has a completly different meaning, in English, than the practice that is carried out over Eid by the muslims around the world.