The only thing I can think of as I wake up is first "ALhamdullilah..good to be alive and well" and then "what do I need to do today?" Man...what do you people put in your cuppas to make you so pensive?
In any case I agree with a lot of your thoughts.But you have my deepest sympathy for #16. Hope you find your solace soon.Have a wonderful morning Santro =D
The only thing I can think of as I wake up is first "ALhamdullilah..good to be alive and well" and then "what do I need to do today?" Man...what do you people put in your cuppas to make you so pensive?
In any case I agree with a lot of your thoughts.But you have my deepest sympathy for #16. Hope you find your solace soon.Have a wonderful morning Santro =D