I agree with Fuber, it's the lifestyle adapted by the society in the past two decades that have drastically increased the rate of obesity ( most notably among children & women). But we can't avoid mentioning the western dietary habits as a factor that obviously contributed to the overall obesity in both genders. Statistically, obesity wasn't identified as a major chronic disease locally until recently. Not to mention, the percentage is very small among the elderly . It's also noted that obesity is higher among the urban locals than their Bedouin compatriots who still preserve their simple dietary habits of camel/ goat dairy & dates
It's important to note that as the obesity percentage increased , the "weight loss" industry have also flourished in Qatar recently with the introduction of fitness centers, diet delivery companies & dietitians. Also there have been a dramtic upsurge lately in the gastric bypass operations. So much, it's reported that there is a long waiting list for such operations at HMC