Couldn't agree more with doctors. Besides its common sense. Picture this.. you know your family member attempted suicide and needs physical and psychological help bad but oh when you go seek it he/she will be slapped with a 5000dhs fine! And how's that going to make the suicidal person feel? Dang..if someone were to fine me, and I'm far from suicidal, with a 5000QRS fee, it'll prolly render me depressed now imagine then what it will do to the sick person? 

Commiting suicide is never a good thing. Being a Muslim country yes I see their thinking that it is illegal etc but you don't punish cure them. Councel them! if they are religious talk to them of the possible punishments they'd face in the next world,tell them of God's mercy,etc. If they are not I'm sure there are still ways to rehabitilate them anyways..Just don't slam them with 5000dhs..please!