Yes this is true as far as our duties go. But we must not feel like our life will end just because say our spouse/parents/children etc were to die or leave us for any other reason. Its more like love for Allah's sake,do your duties by others but don't make them your objects of worship where its in them alone you find happiness and the will to live.You know the kind of people who get all suicidal and depressed just because another didn't return their love and dedication..that's who I mean.And that's true wronging another is by far a greater sin than those deeds for yourself that you may neglect every now and then.

PS: I ain't no scholar bro, just a layman like yourself and right now as far as your attitude to your loved ones go I can wholeheartdly say : Respect! Just wish more people had your kind of dedication and May God make those you love bring you happiness in this world and the next..Aamen!