Mohdata - and these are my 2 cents about what you wrote:

1) Among the top 5 safest countries  - please quote our source and what is it based on?


2) About the crazy driving, try to fit into the system and not make it fit you; a balance of defensive driving and 'turbo' mode as needed should keep you safe - no amount of defensive/aggressive driving will keep you safe on these roads, the stats prove otherwise  - ie road deaths per 100,000 are 830% higher than the UK


4) Muslim women are banned from covering up in the West so it's only appropriate you respect the local customs of. Casual western attire is perfectly fine; just don't go to the mall in swimwear; awkward even in the West - factually completely incorrect, only one country in the west has so far banned this outright. In fact alot of western countries  have bent over backwards to recognize peoples cultural and religious differences.

6) You should be sorted at work; the Arabs have Westerners down as knowing their stuff even if they don't haha and you will be given due respect/consideration by dint of the same as well as being a woman. - a bit of a blanket statement - I assume from this that you know all western working people in qatar which qualifies you to make such a broad/sweeping comment?

7)One person's heaven is another's hell so it all depends on how well adjusted one is. I've been the world over but love Qatar the best. Embrace the culture and it will reciprocate - Nah, you can embrace the culture all you like but once your job is finished they just want you gone, plain and simple, why do you think people's rp's get cancelled at the speed of light and you are put on the next plane home

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