MM  - actually I suspect there has been some political footwork going on here and Italian Justice is not exactly renowned as being fair and impartial (just look at Belusconni's brush with the italian courts as an example).


What they did not cover here is that despite foxy knoxy maintaining that she was never there, why were her footprints found in the blood of the victim, in the victims room.

She confessed several times to the crime - once when she had been release she wrote a 5 page article about her guilt. The she retracted this and she said someone made her do it (even after she was free??)

She blamed someone else, who luckily had an alibi, innocent people don't tend to go round blaming other people for crimes they know they have not done, these are the actions of the guilty.

Also, her appeal was upheld solely because of the dodgy forensic evidence. The reason this was so dodgy was due to Italian police's incompetence, it does not mean that the evidence was not there, just they did not treat the crime scene/physical evidence in a very secure/procedural way, e.g. once vital piece of physical evidence was not found till days later (despite lying around the victims room all the time) and had by that time been trodden on by many people many times.


What I also find appalling in all this is that I have not heard much from the Knox family about poor Meredith Kercher, let us not forget that a poor girl died in dreadful circumstances.