Given the number of single men to single women in Qatar, I would say expanding your horizons through social media is the only way.

As it happens I met my ex-wife through the internet 11 years ago and I expect I will meet my future wife that way too. It beats the randomness of meeting at a bar or club and skype certainly makes it easier to get to know a person before you meet too. especially if there is some expense and travel involved.

Certainly the majority of girls I have dated in between, I met first on the WW Web. I have got to visit countries I wouldn't have thought of before as well as learning a whole new language. As well as that i have spent many wonderful hours in the company of beautiful women going through that wonderful dance of assesing each other. One day I hope to find a match. Maybe the next time, Who knows? Meanwhile the experience is enriching.

Only this weekend I met a very nice girl, from this site, who will be a good friend I know. Despite the fact she killed my kayak. ;)