Painther...looks like GOD I mean MODs dont love you anymore..:)


Kiran Suhail try these home remedies...

Natural honey for my heartburn home remedies:
Two teaspoon of pure, undiluted, unprocessed and unheated natural honey would reduce heartburn and acid reflux irritation if taken after meal because, it is well known for being an antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial.

Baking soda, lemon juice and water:
This remedy for heartburn and acid reflux is the best in my opinion for temporary relief of heartburn. I would suggest that you perform this over the kitchen sink, as the fizzling of this flood would flood over the glass. First, get a tall glass, put two tablespoon of baking soda. Fill the glass ½ full with cold water. Pour one fresh squeezed lemon juice in the baking soda solution. Try to drink this as quickly as possible, as it is the fizz and water that will relieve your heartburn irritation. Note that this remedy produces sodium in the system.

Chamomile tea for heartburn relief:
Stress is a major cause to heartburn and acid reflux therefore; the relaxing properties of chamomile will help reduce your stress. Add two teaspoon of dried chamomile to about 1 ½ cups of boiling water. Let it seep for about 10 – 15 minutes, then stir and drink.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:
This method of home remedy for heartburn is very easy yet effective. Whenever heartburn symptoms occur, simply drink a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and immediately wash it down with a glass of water. If you cannot find organic apple cider vinegar, regular apple cider vinegar will also work.

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