Adey - I ask you these questions to challenge what you say and to make you justify your beliefs, becasuse I think you just recycle the mainstream narrative without any critical thinking.  I make the analogy of Qatar and libya in that it's a bit rich to denounce another country for authoritarian rule when Qatar itself practices the same. This goes with you criticsing Qatar for journalistic stds when this  the very same situation in your UK, or USA or Aust. YOU raised judicial killings but when it gets thrown back in your face - you start whining. 

You say "It would take thousands of words to answer your points"

No it wouldnt. I would say the reporting, editorial line  and "analysis" of these issues that matter would be near identical to that of your bad list. 

So I ask you another question: You say: "The Guardian/Observer, The Independent ,- left wing/left of centre ( this is European left of course- far to the left of the Democrats/Progressive's in the US)"

Really??? What is your understanding of "left wing"?????

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