"ADEY - on the "good" ones - what is their record on:"

Again with the questions.......why don't you reseach them and find out for yourself.

It would take thousands of words to answer your points. Safe to say that individual journalists can write there own opinions in OP-Ed pieces, so their stances are many and varied in even individual paperes - they encourage divergent viewpoints. It is never as black and white as you paint things.

It is safe to say that the editorial policy of said newspapers are as follows:

The Guardian/Observer, The Independent ,- left wing/left of centre ( this is European left of course- far to the left of the Democrats/Progressive's in the US)

The Times  - Slightly right wing, but has endorsed a left wing party in the 90's and earky 2000's

The Telegraph - Right wing conservative (but that would be about the same as the Democrats in the States)

That's as much as time will allow ....... you will have to find out the rest for yourself.