It was you who equated the Qatar regime with the Libyan regime, suggesting that they having some sort of parity. I merely responded to your assertion by writing:

'but then again Qatar does not extra-judiciosly murder it's prisoners enmasse for political thought crimes.'

to show that it is a rather ridiculous comparison.

Then you move on to bring in NATO, the US and Israel; where in fact you had never mentioned them before andĀ  is not even linked to the assertion you had made previously.

I do wish you would notĀ jump around so, moving the goal posts and vering from one point to another. You need to explain your point of view more fully and stop answering questions with questions.

You clearly have a point of view, and a different one from most posters here; it would be interesting to hear your reasoning rather you just proclaiming statements and posing questions as a response.