this open car market in Industrial area.10th ST.can possible to go through Salwa road.From Ainkhalid R/A go left then next R/A go right.there is Al Maha school and Waqood Pump.....another way you can go through Abuhamour to industrila area.after the Karwa R/A next QNB bank R/A. go right and straight from there.u wll find that area.but this market only Thu and Fri main.
this open car market in Industrial area.10th ST.can possible to go through Salwa road.From Ainkhalid R/A go left then next R/A go right.there is Al Maha school and Waqood Pump.....another way you can go through Abuhamour to industrila area.after the Karwa R/A next QNB bank R/A. go right and straight from there.u wll find that area.but this market only Thu and Fri main.