Regarding the Spanish article.........this the first time you mentioned that. Obviously, me not being a mind reader, it is impossible to come to a conclusion about anything unless you actually state a case in a clear and concise manner.

I never had the impression you stated above, however unless a fuss is made continually then it will fade from public perception and carry on as normal. The Status Quo will remain unless continually challenged.

Some fans don't want sponsorship on the shirts and object to commercialization of their club(after all it is the only club in the world directly owned by the fans) and are using the lack of democracy in an undemocratic state run Foundation as just one of their reasons to be against the sponsorship deal. A vote has been convened as per the traditions of the club to settle the issue.

No doubt debate will ensue both for and against - as yet nothing has been decided. Barcelona may democratically decide to ditch an undemocratic organisation or democratically decided to maintain an undemocratic organisation.

I understand your reservations about the practice of democracy in 'First World Nations' but you seem to throw the baby out with the bath water when you treat them on a par with nations without the least bit of interest in the say of ordinary working people. To equate the rights available to the average Spaniard with the likes of ordinary Qatari Joe Public is rather stretching your point I feel.