DRSAM - pretty much if we continue business as usual. And then there is this:
New research: "We may be headed for a period of sea-level change more dynamic than current observations suggest." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/09/110911145228.htm ScienceDaily, Sep. 11, 2011 New evidence of sea-level oscillations during a warm period that started about 125,000 years ago raises the possibility of a similar scenario if the planet continues its more recent warming trend, says a research team led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
and this:
Global warming amplifying Texas drought, wildfires, scientists say. http://www.climatecentral.org/news/record-breaking-texas-drought-and-heat/ Alyson Kenward, Climate Central, 7 September 2011 Just when it looked like weather conditions couldn’t get any worse in Texas, a new wildfire burning outside of Austin destroyed nearly 800 homes in the past few days.
and this:
Europe's oceans changing at unprecedented rate - report http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/09/13/idINIndia-59319820110913 Nina Chestney, Reuters, 14 September 2011 Europe's seas are changing at an unprecedented rate as ice sheets melt, temperatures rise and marine life migrates due to climate change, a report by the Climate Change and European Marine Ecosystem Research (CLAMER) project warned.
and this:
Changing Climate Lurking Behind Epic Drought and High Temps http://www.climatecentral.org/news/texas-sets-record-for-hottest-ever-us-summer Alyson Kenward, Climate Central, 9 September 2011 Weather officials have confirmed what people in many states along the southern tier of the U.S. have said for months: this has been the hottest summer on record
DRSAM - pretty much if we continue business as usual. And then there is this:
New research: "We may be headed for a period of sea-level change more dynamic than current observations suggest."
ScienceDaily, Sep. 11, 2011
New evidence of sea-level oscillations during a warm period that started about 125,000 years ago raises the possibility of a similar scenario if the planet continues its more recent warming trend, says a research team led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
and this:
Global warming amplifying Texas drought, wildfires, scientists say.
Alyson Kenward, Climate Central, 7 September 2011
Just when it looked like weather conditions couldn’t get any worse in Texas, a new wildfire burning outside of Austin destroyed nearly 800 homes in the past few days.
and this:
Europe's oceans changing at unprecedented rate - report
Nina Chestney, Reuters, 14 September 2011
Europe's seas are changing at an unprecedented rate as ice sheets melt, temperatures rise and marine life migrates due to climate change, a report by the Climate Change and European Marine Ecosystem Research (CLAMER) project warned.
and this:
Changing Climate Lurking Behind Epic Drought and High Temps
Alyson Kenward, Climate Central, 9 September 2011
Weather officials have confirmed what people in many states along the southern tier of the U.S. have said for months: this has been the hottest summer on record
what do you say?