'It is a request to stop furthering this discussion and not to exasperate me into believing that you too are one of those who revel in making trouble.'
As a welcoming gesture to this site I sugest you show at least some humility to those of us that have been here for many a year. It does not behove a newbie to come in throwing accusations towards regulars ( to wit, "revel in trouble making") without throughly appreciating the past history of said posters.
Basically- mind your manners. Seeing as this post was hijacked long ago it seems rather suspicious that a newbie flung himself into the fray without anyone getting to know him on more sensible and intellectually honest posts.
Welcome Segmund....establish yourself first before starting to sling the flith of wishing anyone eternal torture in hellfire...surely the most violent of wishes imaginable. Not that it matters to me as hell is an imaginary concept....but others may be truely upst at your wishes for them.
Hope to see you make a more valid controbution to QL in the future.
As a response to you posting this:
'It is a request to stop furthering this discussion and not to exasperate me into believing that you too are one of those who revel in making trouble.'
As a welcoming gesture to this site I sugest you show at least some humility to those of us that have been here for many a year. It does not behove a newbie to come in throwing accusations towards regulars ( to wit, "revel in trouble making") without throughly appreciating the past history of said posters.
Basically- mind your manners. Seeing as this post was hijacked long ago it seems rather suspicious that a newbie flung himself into the fray without anyone getting to know him on more sensible and intellectually honest posts.
Welcome Segmund....establish yourself first before starting to sling the flith of wishing anyone eternal torture in hellfire...surely the most violent of wishes imaginable. Not that it matters to me as hell is an imaginary concept....but others may be truely upst at your wishes for them.
Hope to see you make a more valid controbution to QL in the future.