For most expats, if it is not worth their while monetarily, they move on.  They come here for the $$ - they leave if the $$ offered is not worth it to them.  If and when labourers and maids feel that the $$ offered is not worth it, they will leave (if they can get their passports back and their employers' permission - oh, and have paid the upfront costs for visas/loans etc taken to get here - it's a form of indentured servitude but that's another topic - start a separate thread).

Expats who don't have to pay the visas/loans to get here or surrender their passports, also need "permission" to leave.  (again, another topic, start a separate thread.

In short, expats come here for the $$.  Our skills, services and competencies have been solicited and are being paid for - when inflation means the $$ is not so attractive, expats will leave.  Short and simple. 

Expats are not solicited to come here because they are wanted, but because they fill a void that Qataris can't fill if only because of the lack of numbers of educated, experienced, qualified, and willing nationals - that's just a fact of life with the population demographics - there's not enough Qataris to go around.  Even if every Qatari met those criteria (and it wouldn't happen in Western countries so why here) they still don't have the sheer numbers needed to maintain and grow the country at the current rate.