Gregore, although I do agree that constant complaining about and wishing to change a country that is not ours is futile and can be a tad annoying, I'd like to mention that it is not the country that is feeding the expats, but the companies the expats work for...many of which are international.
And of course, those companies are here becaus of the oil and gas that Qatar owns... which is extracted with the work and knowledge of expats.
See, I am saying this because I believe that nobody needs to be grateful...not the Qataris for the expats and not the expats for the Qataris, as both get out the partnership what they want.
Gregore, although I do agree that constant complaining about and wishing to change a country that is not ours is futile and can be a tad annoying, I'd like to mention that it is not the country that is feeding the expats, but the companies the expats work for...many of which are international.
And of course, those companies are here becaus of the oil and gas that Qatar owns... which is extracted with the work and knowledge of expats.
See, I am saying this because I believe that nobody needs to be grateful...not the Qataris for the expats and not the expats for the Qataris, as both get out the partnership what they want.