In respond to some colleagues who said that women are independent of men and do not need men to walk forwards, never mind how far women can walk but in my opinion they will always need men to support them and here are some parts of articles which I picked for you:
"Sorry, but women are dependent on men
As an evolutionary psychologist, I study patterns of behaviour dating back to the first human societies, and constantly analyse evidence that demonstrates the key differences which have developed between the sexes since men were hunter-gatherers and women were child bearers.
Females are smaller and weaker than males so, in prehistoric times, women and their offspring were prone to being the victims of predators, and violence.
They needed the support and protection of men who didn't just have brute force but also had social status in the group, either through their sheer physicality or the strength of their personality.
That's why women still look for a mate of higher social standing."
Written by Bruce Sallan Tuesday, 16 March 2010 07:48
But, back to the subject of this column--do women need men? I assert an absolute YES. Just as men need women. We compliment each other and, as is well known, men actually live longer married than single. But, while there isn’t a counterpart for women, who usually outlive men and do better alone after a long marriage, I assert that in the formative, childbearing years, women need men as much as ever. We learn from one another; we grow; we are challenged. That makes both genders stronger. "
In respond to some colleagues who said that women are independent of men and do not need men to walk forwards, never mind how far women can walk but in my opinion they will always need men to support them and here are some parts of articles which I picked for you:
"Sorry, but women are dependent on men
As an evolutionary psychologist, I study patterns of behaviour dating back to the first human societies, and constantly analyse evidence that demonstrates the key differences which have developed between the sexes since men were hunter-gatherers and women were child bearers.
Females are smaller and weaker than males so, in prehistoric times, women and their offspring were prone to being the victims of predators, and violence.
They needed the support and protection of men who didn't just have brute force but also had social status in the group, either through their sheer physicality or the strength of their personality.
That's why women still look for a mate of higher social standing."
For full article please go to the source below:
Read more:
Here is another article:
Twenty reasons women still need men
Look at this also:
Do Women Need Men?
Written by Bruce Sallan Tuesday, 16 March 2010 07:48
But, back to the subject of this column--do women need men? I assert an absolute YES. Just as men need women. We compliment each other and, as is well known, men actually live longer married than single. But, while there isn’t a counterpart for women, who usually outlive men and do better alone after a long marriage, I assert that in the formative, childbearing years, women need men as much as ever. We learn from one another; we grow; we are challenged. That makes both genders stronger. "
Full article is in the source below: