This is true, I was sceptical until I went to the hair dressers and she basically told me that the chemicals that they use to de-salinate and treat the water here (and that is what it is) are quite strong. These chemicals  bond with the roots of your hair folicles causing them to weaken. In time your hair will drop out and growing your hair back takes time, if at all.

I have had significant hair loss in the last 18 months which I never used to have in the UK. I was basically pulling clumps out of my hair in the shower. I initially put it down to the fact that I had  a baby last year and then I was breast feeding but I stopped doing this some time ago and I realised the hair loss was continuing. Luckily, I still have a good head of hair but the hair dresser recommended just rinsing your hair with bottled water (does not have to be Evian, can use the cheap local brand).


Hopefully this will help you guys out there!!!