Who challenged God?
Take the titanic ship for example, the Brazailian president, ...etc

This is a short story but nice, there was a man who worshiped God in the caves in one land, the king of this land was not allowing people to worship God and the king knew about this man in the cave, so the king went to the man and the man was praying so the king kicked the man, the man took a jur and throw it on the king hand, the king screamed, the man said to the king what do you want, the king said I have some questions for you
1. You say there is God if so , why do not see God?
2. You say there is fait, can you prove it?
The man said I will answer you in the court, in the court the king was there, the man said now I will answer you:
1. when threw the juror your hand you had pain right? The king said yes, the man said did you see the pain? The king said no
The man said so the man said pain exist but you do not see it
2. The man said to the king my fait and your fait is that We meet here in the court in this day.

The moral of this story it is not necessary to see things to prove they exist.

Another short story is that there was an atheist teacher telling the students that God does not exist because you don't see God, one student stood up and said teacher we don't see your brain so you are crazy you do not have brain.

A shameful act is to use bashing words when you are proven wrong and very good list by Doha night.