you might be able to save, but probably not as much as you'd like to. as another person have pointed out, education cost can be quite high - depending on the school type you're looking for. this may put a dent to your plan for saving.
accommodation is lower now than what it used to be, you can probably find 2BR appartment fully furnished with your allowance - depending on the area of course.
Btw, how will you get the annual ticket: at cost, lump sum, or per IATA rate? this could help a bit if you got the IATA rate.
if you need more info, do some research in QL for similarly themed questions.
the offer seems ok, but not too attractive.
you might be able to save, but probably not as much as you'd like to. as another person have pointed out, education cost can be quite high - depending on the school type you're looking for. this may put a dent to your plan for saving.
accommodation is lower now than what it used to be, you can probably find 2BR appartment fully furnished with your allowance - depending on the area of course.
Btw, how will you get the annual ticket: at cost, lump sum, or per IATA rate? this could help a bit if you got the IATA rate.
if you need more info, do some research in QL for similarly themed questions.