I just want to clarify one thing you are free to think what ever you like, it is your choice.
I am not living in a darkness because I do not consider this example is acceptable, and here is the example:
"It is ok to have a class room which have 15 students wearing clothes and 15 students are naked (no clothes on them at all)"
Unfortunately some people say that it is normal to have the above example in real life.
People are divided into groups
Group A
Group B
Croup C
Group A and Group B have some differences in culture, language, color, ...etc but at the end of the day Group A and Group B agrees on many points.
Group C might speak the same language and maybe will agree on 5 % of the points which Group A and Group B agrees on.
Say if Group A and Group B agree on 500 points, then group C will agree only on 25 points of the 500 why?
Because people in Group C thinks that the only way to be known and recognized is when you bring different things even if it does not make sense and not logical.
I just want to clarify one thing you are free to think what ever you like, it is your choice.
I am not living in a darkness because I do not consider this example is acceptable, and here is the example:
"It is ok to have a class room which have 15 students wearing clothes and 15 students are naked (no clothes on them at all)"
Unfortunately some people say that it is normal to have the above example in real life.
People are divided into groups
Group A
Group B
Croup C
Group A and Group B have some differences in culture, language, color, ...etc but at the end of the day Group A and Group B agrees on many points.
Group C might speak the same language and maybe will agree on 5 % of the points which Group A and Group B agrees on.
Say if Group A and Group B agree on 500 points, then group C will agree only on 25 points of the 500 why?
Because people in Group C thinks that the only way to be known and recognized is when you bring different things even if it does not make sense and not logical.