It is not nice to discriminate people on the basis of their religion or their color. Ultimately we all are human being. It is the responsibility of each and everyone, who are having all the previlages in their life. Nobody asking you to pay Thousands or Millions. It is just a matter of 1, 10 or 20 riyals. Remember few drops can make a flood. We can not blame the natural disasters, its all in the hands of God. But still the Government and political leaders can play a big roll to reduce the effects of this. Instead of trying to do that all those stupids are fighting to concrete their own chair. Lets pray for that poor people...
It is not nice to discriminate people on the basis of their religion or their color. Ultimately we all are human being. It is the responsibility of each and everyone, who are having all the previlages in their life. Nobody asking you to pay Thousands or Millions. It is just a matter of 1, 10 or 20 riyals. Remember few drops can make a flood. We can not blame the natural disasters, its all in the hands of God. But still the Government and political leaders can play a big roll to reduce the effects of this. Instead of trying to do that all those stupids are fighting to concrete their own chair. Lets pray for that poor people...