No Merci Just Five Senses?

During such a bicycle ride, how many senses come into play—just the traditional five: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch?  These five senses were enumerated by the ancient philosopher Aristotle, whose "influence has been so enduring that many people still speak of the five senses as if there were no others. 

However, according to Britannica, studies in skin sensitivity alone "yield evidence that the human senses number more than five." How can that be? Certain functions once lumped together under touch are now regarded as senses in their own right. For instance, pain receptors respond to and distinguish between mechanical, thermal, and chemical forces or agents. Other sensors signal an itch. Evidence suggests that we have at least two kinds of pressure sensors—one for light surface pressure, another for deep stimulation. Our body also has a broad range of internal senses.