The decision on whether the mother should work or not, lies not only the mother's hand but on his husband also.
Before, we got married I clearly stated to my husband that I want to be a stay at home mom and he agreed...but situations changed and now, I am looking for work.
Personally, if your husband can shoulder all the financial necessities, the wife should stay at home and guide the kids especially on their formative years. It's hard to trust your child's value upbringing to someone whom you've just known for a short time.
If your husband, can't provide for all your needs, then it's time to be more of a partner and a good wife.Just share the responsibilities. After all, it will boil down to the fact that it would be better to sacrifice a little of your quality time with the children and work than be financially strapped and be seperated from their father.
That, I think would be the worst thing for the kids, have their father and/or mother work abroad and leave them at their home countries.
The decision on whether the mother should work or not, lies not only the mother's hand but on his husband also.
Before, we got married I clearly stated to my husband that I want to be a stay at home mom and he agreed...but situations changed and now, I am looking for work.
Personally, if your husband can shoulder all the financial necessities, the wife should stay at home and guide the kids especially on their formative years. It's hard to trust your child's value upbringing to someone whom you've just known for a short time.
If your husband, can't provide for all your needs, then it's time to be more of a partner and a good wife.Just share the responsibilities. After all, it will boil down to the fact that it would be better to sacrifice a little of your quality time with the children and work than be financially strapped and be seperated from their father.
That, I think would be the worst thing for the kids, have their father and/or mother work abroad and leave them at their home countries.