It's rather irrelevant about about hypocracy and religious practuices here in Qatar blah blah blah

The real justification for this speech at the UN is because for the last few years the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC -50 odd Islamic majority countries in the UN) have been trying to equate religious objectionism with racism. Arguing that religious defamation breaches someones human rights - not actions just words - and that it should be made internationally illigal under the declaration of Universal Human Rights.
Now what they are really arguing for is the outlawing of objections and criticism to Islam. This feeds into the rise of the further building up of the term 'Islamaphobia'. They seem to think that by promoting this term it will rise to the same level as racism, homophobia etc.
At the Durban Conference last year the OIC's latest attempt to make an International blasphmy law part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights failed yet again because the HUMAN RIGHTS ACT deals with the rights of HUMANS not ideas. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights already protects HUMANS from being descriminated against because of their religion however idealologies( political, religious or any other) cannot have rights protecting them from criticism because they are not living sentient beings. Races, Women, Homosexuals, Children etc are people deserving of protection - ideas aren't people and as a consequence should not be protected.
Having failed for many years to have this on the UN statute book they have now slightly changed tack and now argue that it breeches someones human rights to be offended by religious criticism (ie of Islam). This new angle by the OIC is an attack on free speach, free press, the free exchange of ideas and religious liberty - as anyone COULD be offended by ANYTHING.

This is the history behind the giving of this speech - nothing to do with how Qatar behaves internally - it's all about shutting down objective criticism of Islam, and using the UN to do it.