that left me, well, baffled to say the least. I was at the Nissan service centre waiting in the customers' lounge to get the delivery of my car when I saw a middle aged woman yelling at one of the counter staff.

Obviously, not understanding the language I could only guess pieces of what was happening. Apparently, the lady was charged QR 400 more than what she was told initially. The service staff insisted that he has clearly mentioned that there could be a faulty part that needs replacement in which case, the bill would be about QR 400 more.

The woman made a couple of calls and the first to arrive was a stocky young man who was evidently a local but with an American accent who began to shout and swear at the centre staff saying she does not understand English and has been conned. He refused to pay a penny and the woman made another call and in 15 minutes the police were there.

There were a lot of discussions happening and in the end, I was told that the poor service centre assistant had to cough out the money from his pocket..

That now begs a question. Will a similar judgement be applied if an expat has been 'conned' by a local?