From what I've heard 12,000 affords you a pretty good home. I've been given a villa which is in a perfect location but is of a much lower quality that I'd have chosen but I had no choice but to take it. I prefer to have been given the allowance and find my own accommodation.

I only just read the Sherborne and DESS sites and it appears they're very good schools. I'd also consider Compass International School. We've had our children at Compass and like it very much.

I've visited AL-Ahli a few times as a patient, sorry, guest and I've loved it. They call their patients guests. "wait here sir, the doctor is busy with another guest, he'll be with you right away." The first time I took my 5-year old, as we entered the atrium he said "I LIKE this place, can we come here again?" If the place impressed a 5-year old from Canada and his professional dad with much international experience, it is impressive. The lobby looks like a 4-star hotel. Not quite the Sheraton, but almost. I said to my son "sure, we'll come on the weekend with mom and your brother so you could play at the paediatrics play area and we could have coffee and muffins by the waterfall." The chairs by the pharmacy (you call it chemists) where you wait for your prescription to be filled are what you might find at the Grand Hyatt.

Mind you, that's all aesthetics. I have no idea how it is run culturally. Things work pretty fast in Emergency too. Triage, outpatient bed, x-ray or lab or MRI or whatever test is needed, back to the bed, doctor comes to check the results, out you go usually within an hour. I've had no Inpatient experience other than some friends giving birth there. They liked it too.

Hamad hospital which is the main and state-run hospital is very large and all the specialties are covered there (not so at Al-Ahli) but it's a hectic, chaotic place.

Hope this helps.